Great success in olive oil: Good luck to the world

Great success in olive oil Good luck to the world

Faruk Durukan, the owner of the R&D company, who succeeded in separating the nonpolar and polar parts of olive oil for the first time in the world, gave the good news that olive oil can be used as an active drug substance in addition to its known benefits. Faruk Durukan said, “It is known by the whole world that olive oil is beneficial for the human body. However, olive oil contains 10 percent non-polar and 90 percent polar. Non-polars can penetrate the skin, polar cannot penetrate the skin. When you apply olive oil to your body to benefit, 90 percent of it stays out. For this, it is necessary to wash the skin very well. It has very little use for it,” he said.


Stating that non-polar olive oil penetrates the skin with 100% absorption, Durukan said, “With this study, we succeeded in separating the nonpolar olive oil from the fleece for the first time in the world. The normal olive oil you see here, the olive oil we see here is divided into apolarities, that is, olive oil that can penetrate through the skin. In it, there is an active substance called oleacanthal by weight. When you apply it to your skin, it can completely penetrate into the skin,” he said.


Stating that their work was used in a doctoral study and there were promising developments, Durukan said, “The feature of this study was that it was published as a doctoral study and entered the literature. It has been proven that it can be used in the treatment of foot wounds of diabetic patients. So this has turned into an active drug substance. A new scientific study has been published from Turkey to the world,” he said.



Underlining that the main important part of the study is the separation of olive oil into nonpolar and polar, Faruk Durukan said, “The ingenuity here is separating the nonpolar olive oil from the fleece. No need to spare it for food. Olive oil is a very healthy fruit juice. The benefit of this is already known. The trick here was to obtain this active ingredient, and we have done this in our laboratories. We say good luck to the world,” he said.

