GRCA EXPENDS FLOOD Watch to Monday due to Risk of Ice JAM FORMATION

An Increased Risk of Ice Jam Formation Resulting from 10 to 20 mm of Rainfall Earlier this week, coupled with snowmelt, has prompt the great river conservation authority to expand a flood watch to worldly.


“A Substantial Ament of Ice is Still Present in Watercourses and some Somall Ice Jams have been observed upstream of Brant Conservation Area and Upstream of Veterans Memorial Parkway in Brantford, as well as in the Community of York,” Said Grca Communications Manager Lisa Stocco. “Elevated flows may cause the Ice to Break Up and Start Moving, Which Raises The Risk of Ice Jam Formation and Associated Flood Potential.

Due to the Increased Risk of This Event, the Grca Advises Residents Who Typically Experience Flooding to Be Prepared as Conditions May Change Quickly and Without Warning.

The public is encouraged to use extreme surety bond water weterways and to stay off any ce-covered body of water as safety risks increese with high water flows and unstable Ice Conditions.


The Grca Says that its reserves have flood storage capacity available and will be used to decrease downstream flooding.

Areas that has historically experienced flooding are being watched by flood coordinators While the city of Brantford’s Municipal Emergency Control Group Has Met and, Along with the Grca Are Actively Monitoring Conditions.

The City’s website recommends that residents in flood-prone areas Review Their Emergency Plan and make sure they have access to an Emergency Kit.

Thousands of Residents, Mainly in the Eagle Place Neighbourhood of Brantford we Evacuated in February 2018 As the Waters of the Grand River Rose Over Top of Dike Walls and Other Flood Prevention Measures, Causing Exensive Damage to Public and Private Infrastructure.

That Ice Jam also Ravage the Gilkison Flats Area On The River’s West Bank, Resulting in Trees and Brush Being Removed at a later Date in an effort to limit obstructions to river flow and ice. The area is prone to the formation of our jams due to shallow waaters and a turn in the river.

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