grandparents suspected of murder, a scenario is taking shape

grandparents suspected of murder a scenario is taking shape

Four people were placed in police custody for “voluntary homicide” and “concealment of corpse” in the investigation into the death of little Emile on Tuesday, March 25. The grandparents of the child who kept him at the time of his disappearance in July 2023 are among the suspects.

Again in the investigation into the death of little Emile? Four people were arrested and placed in police custody this Tuesday, March 25, announced the public prosecutor of Aix-en-Provence. The child’s maternal grandparents are among the suspects heard for “voluntary homicide” and “concealment of corpse”. The other two arrested are “adult children” of the couple according to the prosecutor’s press release. The prosecution specifies that “these custody investments are part of a phase of verifications and confrontations of the elements and information collected during the investigations carried out in recent months”. According to the accusations justifying the indictment, the investigators could seek whether the members of the Emile family arrested are involved in the death of the child and/or tried to hide the body.

The little boy’s grand parents had already been approached by the investigators after the disappearance of Emile, which occurred on July 8, 2023 in the village of Vernet in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Since the child’s bones have been found. The investigation into the death of the boy experienced an advance at the beginning of March after the return of the investigators to the Vernet and the seizure of a planter from the Haut-Vernet church on Thursday, March 13. Traces of blood have been detected on the flower tank after excavations and in -depth expertise. The operation within and around the place of worship was organized after the collection of information deemed interesting.

Investigators did not communicate on the result of expertise in the footsteps of blood. The latest news, they were to determine whether the blood found is of human or animal origin and, in case of human blood, trying to extract DNA to compare it to the genetic imprint found on the bones of the little Emile. Note that the latter presents a DNA foreign to the family of Emile. A correspondence between the two DNAs would strengthen the hypothesis of the involvement of a third party in the death of a little boy.

Especially since the authorities are more and more some that the boy could not disappear alone in the Haut-Vernet while he was staying with his grandparents. “Whether there is an author, that is almost no doubt. Did he voluntarily affect the child or involuntarily? It is impossible to say for the moment. But that there can be human intervention, that is now very likely,” said a source close to the file to BFM Dici. The accidental track is not yet completely excluded, such as that of manslaughter and that of opportunity crime.

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