Grandmother’s Day: date, origin, gifts for Grandma

Grandmothers Day date origin gifts for Grandma

[FETE DES GRANDS-MERES 2022]. It is this Sunday, March 6, 2022 that we celebrate grannies! What to give him and how to celebrate this day full of love? Printable cards, traditions, origins and gift ideas… We tell you everything!

What is the date of Grandmother’s Day?

The grandmothers day takes place every year on first Sunday of March. In 2022, we therefore celebrate Grannies this Sunday, March 6, 2022. Next year, Grandmother’s Day will take place on Sunday March 5, 2023. The opportunity to spoil them with little attentions from their grandchildren, or great-grandchildren!

Who invented Grandmother’s Day?

No need to bring the Quid, a dictionary or look in the tales of Charles Perrault, the reasons for this celebration of grandmother. This feast is indeed very recent sinceshe only saw the light of day in 1987. The less young will often remember this advertising antiphon “Grandma knows how to make good coffee…“Well can you imagine that Grandmother’s Day was created in 1987 by the Café Grand’Mère brand of the Kraft Jacobs Suchard group. A strictly commercial origin therefore.

Why do we celebrate grandmothers?

It is clear that if we celebrate grandmothers, it’s the will of a brand determined to get noticed by creating one of the very first buzz! The commercial nature of the party should not, however, overshadow the good feeling that presided over this invention. At the time of Super Grannies, paying tribute to the mothers of our mothers is only fair after all.

Depending on his character and personality, you will surely find the little attention that will hit the mark.

  • Is she greedy? Offer him macaroons, nougat, chocolate truffles or a book to make recipes with you.
  • Is she connected? Bet on a smartphone case or a pretty cover to slip your tablet in!
  • Does she have a bucolic soul? Hand her a beautiful bouquet of flowers, tulips, daffodils or hyacinths. And if she has a green thumb, a shrub or pretty pots with seeds, to grow basil or something.
  • An outing with grandma. Don’t forget that after the difficult months of confinement and the restrictions that have marked the past two years, our grandmothers especially need our presence. Why not organize an outing to the cinema, theatre, restaurant or museum with her? The grandmothers day is also and above all a moment of sharing. So mark your calendars for a reunion worthy of the name with granny, grandma or grandma… over a good… coffee.
  • An original gift? Opt for a mug, a T-shirt with a message or any other small souvenir that will make him think of his grandchildren or great-grandchildren.

DIY gifts made by children, to offer for Grandmother’s Day!

The grandchildren are always happy to make a nice drawing for grandma, or to create a DIY gift full of love with their own hands. Find, on Hugo the snail, lots of craft ideas to make with the little ones.

Printable cards for grandma!

Finally, the gift that we offer to Grandma can only be accompanied by a sweet little note, to be written on a pretty card. Choose it well because it is well known, grandmothers always keep these tender little letters that go straight to their hearts! You can offer your child to choose the model of his choice from a wide selection of cards to print for free on Hugo the snail. Add a short text and then slip the card into the gift package according to the present you have chosen to offer him. Happy Grandmother’s Day to all grannies, grannies or grandmas!
