“Grandma era”: when gen Z says goodbye to festive evenings

Grandma era when gen Z says goodbye to festive evenings

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    With confinement, everyone’s way of life has been turned upside down. For young people, some have got into the habit of being alone and returning to quieter activities. A trend called the “grandma era”, which seems to last over time.

    It all started with the “Coastal grandmother”, the clothing style inspired by that of chic grandmothers on vacation. Since then, grandmothers continue to be all the rage among young people. Many tiktokeuses share their evenings spent crocheting, alone, in front of a romantic film with a glass of wine, specifying that they do not wish contact with the outside world. We are far from the clichés of a young generation addicted to their telephone. The novelty is above all that they dare to talk about it and that no one blames them for this way of life.

    The “grandma era” is becoming more democratic, there is no longer any need to hide from being introverted, everyone is talking about it on social networks. No hashtag that makes the buzz, the term is taken up on TikTok or Twitter accompanied by personal anecdotes. This is the case of @lululoveslaban who writes: “I’m in my grandma era. I like to come home early, shower and be in bed with a good tea and a book before 9pm”.

    Consult a therapist online

    A tendency to remain calm

    Crocheting, sewing, tapestry, parties and solo vacations are the new favorite activities for this summer. This trend would come from the fact that young people no longer feel comfortable in society since the pandemic. A survey carried out last March for the British media The Face had also revealed that nearly 67% of 14-23 year olds would like to return to confinement.

    Say goodbye to nightclubs, booze parties and the “hot girl summer” of all the excesses, young people are now turning to crochet tutorials and enjoying their own company. Gone is the cliché of old people knitting in their armchairs in the evening, a cat on their knees. Today, generation Z is replacing them.
