Grandfather’s Day 2023: date, origin and gift ideas

Grandfathers Day 2023 date origin and gift ideas

Grandfather’s Day is a very recent celebration. The last to have received a day of filial celebration, the grandpas are celebrated at the start of autumn, when you want a big hug that warms your heart. What is the date of Grandfather’s Day, as well as its history? Answers.

After the grandmothers, mothers and fathers who arrive in this order during the year, the grandfathers also have their own dedicated feast. Last civil holiday dedicated to family ties, Grandfather’s Day takes place every first Sunday of October.

What is the date of Grandfather’s Day in 2023?

Grandfather’s Day in 2023 will fall on Sunday, October 1.

Since when does Grandfather’s Day exist?

Until a few years ago, grandfathers were left out of family celebrations. Mothers, fathers and even grandmothers were all entitled to their own day, except for grandfathers. Fortunately since 2008, the omission has been repaired and the grandpas are now in the spotlight and are entitled to their own dedicated day, created for the little anecdote more than two decades after the grandmothers (still!). This year, Grandmother’s Day takes place on Sunday, March 5, 2022.

Who is behind Grandfather’s Day?

Grandfather’s Day was launched by a French, Franck Izquierdo, author of children’s books. The idea came to him following the death of his grandfather. He explains on his website Internet : “For the record, I decided to establish this celebration in honor of my two grandfathers and of all the grandfathers. (…) May this celebration connect all generations and be an excellent occasion for all the families of France to meet to celebrate the patriarch of their family…” His initiative was also supported at the time by the State Secretariat for Seniors.

As a grandchild, finding a way to please his grandfather is not always easy and we understand that. No doubt you know a little the tastes and habits of your ancestor : he likes fishing, reading his newspaper, drinking his coffee… Knowing a little about what he likes can be an asset that should help you in the quest for a present to offer him. If you’re out of ideas, don’t worry, here are some inspirations that can give you ideas:

  • Your grandfather is athletic, able to put on rollerblades or go hiking for long hours? Offer him an object capable of accompanying him on his walks (gourd, compass, solar lighter, Swiss army knife, fishing equipment, a hiking bag, etc.).

  • If your grandpa is interested in new technologiesa digital frame will allow him to program a parade of family photos in the living room and enjoy it.

  • Specialist in good foodhe will no doubt appreciate receiving, at the start of autumn, a book of Christmas recipes or one related to mycology (the season is for picking mushrooms).

  • If he likes gardening or tinkeringfind something to fill your tool kit or maintain your garden or planters (a good pair of gloves, good pruning shears, outdoor clogs if possible of good quality so that it lasts over time).

  • If he has kept a child’s soul and is curious about everythingwhy not make him happy by offering him a place for a show, a festival, an exhibition or a play to see alone or accompanied.
  • Is he a coffee lover? You can offer him a new coffee machine or go to a professional roaster to choose a good bag of ground or bean coffee.

  • He collects stamps, coins, or a particular object, then you can offer him a book on the subject, or even complete his collection by finding a coin he does not have.

  • He loves beautiful materials and above all be warm? Take advantage of the drop in temperatures and the approaching winter to get him a nice wool scarf, a very cozy cashmere sweater or even a wool beret-style cap.

  • If he loves to share his memories, you can create a photo album for him with the moments that have marked his life. You can easily find sites on the Internet to design your photo albums, by choosing the pictures and adding text.
  • He likes to read ? Depending on his reading tastes, you can choose the latest book by his favorite author or offer him a subscription to his favorite magazine.

In the books category, we also advise you to opt for a subscription to the Kube box. The concept is very simple: you receive a personalized box at home containing a book chosen according to the tastes of the person by an independent bookseller, as well as giveaways (a bookmark, a notebook or others depending on the selection). An original idea that will have its little effect!

Grandfather’s Day is a beautiful celebration in itself. In general, it’s a time to catch up on lost time, remember good memories and spend time together as a family, away from worries. Finally, don’t forget that an attention, whatever it is (a note, a cake made by you, a walk in nature or a gift), will go straight to his heart in any case.
