Grand oral du bac: last test, advice

Grand oral du bac last test advice

The Grand Oral test begins this Monday, June 20, and will take place, according to the invitations, by July 1. A twenty-minute test, crucial for students. Explanations.

What is the date of the Grand oral du bac in 2022?

The Grand oral test begins today and runs until Friday July 1, 2022, according to the date mentioned on the invitation.. This test concludes the specialty lessons, where students develop their knowledge through a cross-disciplinary subject. “The Grand Oral test allows you to practice argumentation and public speaking. said Pap Ndiaye in his encouragement to high school students before the start of the baccalaureate exams. An innovative test as part of the new baccalaureate, which can impress more than one. Here are all our tips for not losing your means in front of the examiners.

What is the Grand oral du bac?

The Grand Oral is prepared throughout the Terminale cycle and aims to assess student skills such as mastery of speaking, in a structured and reasoned manner, and the ability to develop thinking. Great novelty of the reform of the baccalaureate, this examination only exists since last year, and aims to evaluate the oratorical potential of the students.

How does the Grand Oral take place?

The Grand oral test takes place in several stages. Two questions are prepared during the year with the teachers. For the general baccalaureate, these questions relate to one or two specialty courses, and on the specialties of the series concerned for the technological path. The jury chooses one of the questions before the test that the student can prepare in 20 minutes:

20 minutes of preparation. The student can then prepare his oral for 20 minutes. He may also, if he wishes, create a support (map, graph, diagram) which he will give to the jury on a sheet provided to him. “The candidate explains why he chose to prepare this question during his training, then he develops it and answers it. The jury evaluates the argumentative capacities and the oratorical qualities of the candidate”.

► 5-minute presentation, standing : the student explains why he chose to approach this question by arguing and developing his answer.

► Exchange with the candidate (10 minutes). After the preparation phase, the jury questions the candidate to help him to deepen his subject. He will also be able to question him on part of the program and thus assess the solidity of his knowledge and his argumentative capacities.

Echanges on the orientation project (5 minutes). During this last step, the student must explain how this question sheds light on his professional project or his pursuit of higher education. “He explains the different stages of the maturation of his project (meetings, commitments, internships, international mobility, interest in common lessons, choice of his specialties, etc.) and the way in which he wishes to carry it out after the baccalaureate” explains the ministry.

Grand oral du bac: on what is the student assessed?

The test of the Grand oral “allows the candidate to show his ability to speak in public in a clear and convincing way, to put the knowledge he has acquired, particularly in his specialist teaching, at the service of an argument, and to show how this knowledge has nurtured his project of further studies, even his professional project”, explains the Ministry of National Education. A jury, which will examine the candidate’s knowledge, but also his ability to argue and connect knowledge, his critical spirit, the precision of his expression, the clarity of his words, his commitment to his words, his strength of conviction.

Grand oral: how many points?

The Grand Oral test is scored out of 20 points : it represents 10% of the final baccalaureate mark for the general route and 14% for the technological route.

Grand oral jury: who are the teachers?

The Grand oral jury is made up of a teacher from one of your specialties (or a teacher from the specialty in your series for the technological track) and a teacher from the other specialty or from one of the common courses, or a teacher-librarian.

The subject or the problem chosen for the oral presentation must be related to the chosen specialism(s), and studied throughout the year. In the case of two specialties, you can opt for a transversal subject. Obviously, the key to your reflection must be based on a theme that fascinates you, on which, at least, you can always bounce back and develop a line of argument. And even if you know your subject perfectly, do not reveal all your knowledge during your presentation. Remain evasive on certain points, which the examiners will not fail to make you develop later. Thus, you will have plenty of time to prove your field of knowledge, without being caught off guard by questions that you would not have considered.
