Grand-Est: the return of the Alsatian question

Grand Est the return of the Alsatian question

This is called putting a coin back into the machine. This Friday, January 13, the Grand Est must have a new boss after the controversial resignation of Jean Rottner, its former president (various right). Something to awaken the desire of Alsatians to leave a “large region” that they have never accepted.

The situation seems favourable. Several bills on this subject have been tabled in Parliament – ​​including by elected Macronists. Personalities like Bruno Le Maire and Eric Ciotti have officially declared themselves in this sense. And Emmanuel Macron announced a major decentralization law for 2024. “It will be an opportunity to take action”, hopes Frédéric Bierry, the various right-wing president of the European community of Alsace (merger of the former departmental councils of Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin).

A risky precedent?

There remains the annoying question: will a possible Alsatian precedent not give ideas to the Bretons, the Basques, the Savoyards and others? It’s possible. At the same time, since their creation by François Hollande, the major regions have not really demonstrated their effectiveness. On the contrary : the Court of Auditors has even noted an increase in their operating expenses. Therefore, why would Emmanuel Macron, faced with the country’s democratic crisis, not initiate a territorial reform with the virtue of bringing power closer to the citizen?

Frédéric Bierry wants to believe it. “Four years ago, we were told ‘no’. Today, the question is ‘when?'”, he assures. Verdict next year.
