Grand Erie Students Win Prestigious Osstf Student Achievement Awards

Three Students from High Schools in the Grand Erie District School Board Have Received Prestigious Achievement Awards.

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Hayden Mitchell and Ethan Harrison, Both of Pauline Johnson Collegiate in Brantford, Won Intermediate and Senior Osstf/Feeso 2025 Student Achievement Awards, respectively, for Visual Arts While Gracie Smith of McKinnon Park Secondary School in Caledonia Won the Intermedate-Level Award for prose and poetry.

“The remarkable creativity of Ontario Students Never Ceases to Inspire Me,” Said Osstf/Feeso President Karen Littlewood. “This Year’s theme, is anyone out there, Inspired Powerful Artistic Explore Connection, Isolation, and the Search for Belinging. It’s a will to the Depth and Insight of Ontario Students and the Incredible Work They Produce.”

Mitchell’s Painting is Called Unheard Cry and Depicts an Astronaut’s Helmet and Space Suit on the Surface of the Moon, with the Earth in the Distant Background.

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“It’s to make people think about what else might be out there, and how (they) would see us from their point of View Rather Than Urselves from our point of View,” Explained the 15-Year-Ong grade 10 Student, Adling that While He’s Been Draw School Times, He Began Painting about Three Years Ago.

“I do want to try to do something professionally,” Mitchell Said, Adding that Winning this Award is “A big motivator to keep doing art, try different techniques and ways, and keep going down this path.”

Harrison’s Unique Piece, Cosmic Roots, was created with Wood and Resin Coat in Epoxy, With Martbles Reprresnting Planets and Plastic Parts To Give The Appearance of An Alien Spacecraft That Has Crash Landed.

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“The Bottom Layer of Coloured Epoxy Repressents the Milky Way, With Martbles As Planets, then a Topcoat of (Clear) Epoxy. It was long process,” He Said, noting that he drew Inspiration from youtube videos showing river tables Being Made.

Harrison Got Into Woodworking With His Grandfather, then Carried it on a hobby. After selling some of his pieces, he has now turned into business Called Hammerhead & Co. Making Charcuterie Boards, Butcher Blocks, and Tables. Sketching the Concept for A Project Results in Turning Woodworking Into Art, He Said.

Smith won the intermediate-level award for prose and poetry with her piece entitled at dayney of hope.

“It’s about a girl Named Mira. We follow her day day as she’s trying to find the witness who has the power to save her sister who is terminal,” she explained. “I Love Creative Writing, and My English Class Especially. It started out as a love for reading, and I thought it’d be cool to write my own ideas down.”

The grade 10 Mpss Student Said She’d Like to Pursue A Career Based on Writing and Words.

“It’s great to be able to share my work on a high level, and it’s a great honour to receive an award on provincial level.”

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