Tammy Sault has been appointed the first Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation trustee for the Grand Erie District School Board.
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“I am honored to have been appointed to this very important role,” said Sault. “Representing our students from Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation is a privilege I look forward to upholding. Ensuring that all nation members are supported throughout their educational journey is a priority not only for me, but also for our community has a whole.”
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The region the school board serves encompasses the First Nation communities of Mississaugas of the Credit and Six Nations of the Grand River.
Sault will join Claudine VanEvery-Albert who is the trustee representing the interest of learners from Six Nations.
This is the first time more than one trustee representing Indigenous learners has been appointed to the board.
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“On behalf of the board, we know Ms. Sault will bring dedication, advocacy and commitment to public education in this role, and will play a crucial part in shaping learners’ achievement, well-being and sense of belonging in our schools,” said Susan Gibson, board chair. “This is a unique role with responsibilities to the community and to the school board.”
The appointment follows a motion put forward at the regular board meeting in March, approving the representation for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term of the board.
Stacey LaForme, elected chief of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, said he is pleased “the board has decided to recognize the value” of adding the new trustee position.
“It is a testament to the board to recognize that MCFN is a unique First Nation, and adding our voice is a step towards reconciliation,” said LaForme.
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Sault is a MCFN classroom teacher, a special education resource teacher and an Indigenous voice at the table for Grand Erie’s special education advisory committee.
JoAnna Roberto, director of education, said “Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and Six Nations of the Grand River trustees represent their communities, actively advocating for learners and ensuring the board’s work aligns with their best interests.”
“We are honored to have Ms. Sault join us on our learning journey,” she said.
The Grand Erie District School Board represents more than 27,000 students in 58 elementary and 14 secondary schools.
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