Grand Erie Public Health has announced the complement of A New Acting Medical Officer of Health.
Starting Monday, Dr. Adelle Chang on Will Take On The Tempores Assignment from Her Permanent Role As An Associate Medical Officer of Health With the Region of Waterloo Public Health.
“We are pleased to Welcome Dr. Chang on to Grand Erie Public Health,” Said Amy Martin, Chair of the Board of Health for Grand Erie Public Health.
“Her Impressive Credentials, Combined With Her Passion for Community Health, Make Her An Exceptional Leader for Our Team. While this is a short-term arrangement UNTIL we have full-time support for the health unit, we are confident that her vision and expertise will greatly benefit the health and well-being of our community.
Dr. Ninh Tran, The Medical Officer of Health for Southwestern Health, Took On Some Duies for Grand Erie Public Health after the Death in February of Dr. Malcolm Lock, Who Had Been the Acting Medical Officer of Health for Grand Erie.
“We would like to extend our gratitude to dr. tra for his support over the past several week,” Said Brent Richardson, CEO of Grand Erie Public Health. “His dedication and expertise have been invaluable huge this transition period.”
Chang on has served as Associate Medical Officer of Health in Waterloo for the Past Two Years. She complies her specialist training in public health and preventive medicine at McMaster University Where She is also a Faculty Member.
In Addition to her specialist certification from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Chang On Holds a Master of Public Health from Harvard University and is a certified family physician.
Chang on also has experience as a medical officer of Health and Primary Care Physician in Her Home Country of Trinidad and Tobago.
“I look forward to work with the great ERIE Public Health Board, the public health team and the community it supports,” Said Chang on. “Public Health Fulls a Vital Role in the Health and Well-Being of the Community. I am pleased that through Our Mutual Aid Agreement as Neighbouring Public Health Units, we are able to support one another when Needed. ”
The Next Grand Erie Public Health Board Meeting With Chang On Is Set For Wednesday.
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