Grand Erie District School Board Declines To Release Ament of Legal Costs in Trustee Disputee

The Grand Erie District School Board Refuses To Disclose How Much Its Fight Against Trustee Carol Ann Sloat is Costing the Taxpayers.

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A Freedom of Information Request for Legal Costs, Filed in December, was denied by “The Head of the Institution”, citing a variety of reasons for the refusal.

In its responsibility to the exhibition, The Board Said Sharing the Legal Costs Could Reveal LEGAL Deliberations or Recommendations; HURT ITS Financial interests or ITS Competitive position; is Protected by customer-SOLICITOR privilege; and is part of an Ongoing Legal Action.

“Your Request Pertains to Matters Pending Before the Courts and is Denied as it may opposing the institution’s interest in litigation, May unjustly benefit a party engaged in litigation against the institution and or may result in prejudice to the institution in the aforement ”Reads the Response.

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Last November, Sloat Revealed She and Her Family Have Spent About $ 100,000 in her Legal Battle to Remove Sanctions The Board has placed on her.

“The Board Has Had a Lot More Lawyers Involved and Has Pushed Back Every Step of the Way,” She Said at the time.

“Their Bill has been to be more than halflars.”

This weekend, Sloat Said She Knows of at Least Nine Lawyers who Have Been Involved in the Board’s Fight Against Her, noting they are Likely Charging “Toronto Prices”.

A long-time trustee and form flesh of the board, sloat has been barred from participating in meetings, committee or even watching her fellow trustees on youtube.

The Board’s actions Began after Sloat Raised Questions About the Board’s in-Camera Meetings in 2022.

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When Sloat Fort Against the Sanctions, Tooking the Matter to Court, Three Superior Court Judges Vindend Her, Quashing All Four Board Sanctions and Calling the Punishements Against Her Punitive, Harsh and Unreasonable.

But, in December, the Board announced it would seek to appeal that decision, Calling Sloat’s Behaviour “Toxic, Bullying and inappropriate” and Saying Staff have asked for “Safety Plans” to be implemeted due to their fears about Sloat.

“There is truly no other viable recovery,” Said Board Chair Susan Gibson at the time. “Important Legal from Need to Be Clarified.”

Others Have Been Pursuing A Tally of the Legal Costs, included Michael Barrett, the Retired President and CEO of Gay Lea Foods, Who is also a form Trustee of the Durham District School Board and A Self-Proclaimed “Governance Geek.”

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The Gedsb Extended the Deadline to respond to Barrett’s Request for Information, With a Promise to Provide An Answer on Feb. 17.

“I suspect I will get a similar responsibility,” Barrett Said Wednesday.

“But this is the taxpayers’ money. There’s no Reason Why the School Board Should not be Providing the Information. ”

Barrett has been publicly complaining about the Board’s Treatment of Sloat and Received A Warning Letter from Gibson about His Comments on Socresses, Saying they are “inappropriate” since Barrett is also a member of the Ontario School Boards Association.

Barrett Called that Letter “Totally Without Precedence, Totally without Merit and Totally without jurisdiction.”

He Said the Process of Punishing Sloat Without Sharing Her Alleged Transgressions Fully With the Public is not “Equitable or Transparent Governance.

“There’s no where else that an individual elected by the public can be sentenced, tried and punished totally in private.”

Meanwhile, Both Sloat and the School Board Are Waiting To See the Board Will Be Allowed to Appeal The Divisional Court’s Decision to Quash the Board’s Decision that Sloat Had Breached ITS Code of Conduct.

Sloat Said Wednesday she continues to wait gedsb meetings but can ask questions because the flesh, Susan Gibson, declines to recognize her.

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