Granarolo, capital increase of 160 million with entry of two new shareholders

Granarolo capital increase of 160 million with entry of two

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Granarolothe Italian milk giant, has announced a capital increase of 160 million euro with the simultaneous entry into the shareholding structure of Patrimonio Rilancio – Fondo Nazionale Strategico (FNS), managed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), and of Enpaia, the National Welfare Body for workers and employees in Agriculture.

The shareholding structure will expand to include, in addition to the current Granlatte shareholders, Cooperlat e Intesa Sanpaoloalso the Relaunch Heritage – National Strategic Fund and Enpaia. Granlatte will keep the guide of the Emilian agri-food group with one solid majorityalso participating in the capital increase, reads a note.

The capital strengthening operation is functional to the implementation of the 2023-2026 strategic planwhich envisages both important organic growth objectives and extraordinary operations aimed at strengthening the group’s competitive positioning in Italy and abroad.

“It is a extraordinary capitalization investment – comments Gianpiero Calzolari, president of Granarolo – The objectives that the company intends to achieve through the implementation of the new plan are to consolidate and increase its presence on the national market through digital transformation and innovation of the product chain, strengthen its international positioning, innovate to anticipate new product solutions in a constantly evolving market”.

“The investment in Granarolo has a double value for Enpaia, since it is strategic and mission related at the same time – stated the President of the Foundation, George Square and the General Manager, Roberto Diacetti – Strategic for its growth potential in a sector, the agro-food sector, of significant importance and continuous success for the economy of our country; mission related as it is believed it may have a positive systemic spillover impact on the dairy sector which will favor the development of local economies through greater employment, activating a multiplier effect in the areas of intervention precisely on those who contribute to the income of the Pension Fund. To confirm these convictions and to guarantee the professional management of our intervention, we are proud to share our investment with the National Strategic Fund managed by CDP”.
