Graffiti destroys windbreaks in the national park: “Stop”

Genital organs, hearts and swastikas are some of the more popular motifs that conservationist Per Johansson has scrubbed off the wooden walls of the windbreaks with soap and water.

– I get very tired, and angry, and disappointed. Then I let it go and clean, he says.

– It’s not a work task that you count on, but it becomes an extra thing, because you want it to look good for those who want to experience nature.

Heavily reduced budget

It costs the county administrative board both time and money to remove the graffiti, while it can spoil the overall experience for other visitors.

– Our work with managing protected natural areas has received a greatly reduced budget, so we have less capacity to perform this type of service that graffiti cleanup entails, says Rie Stagegaard, unit manager for the Maintenance unit, at the Gävleborg County Administrative Board.

The national park spreads over four counties, Gävleborg, Uppsala, Västmanland and Dalarna. Doodles have also been found in Mellanljusnan nature reserve and Hölick nature reserve.
