Gradual introduction of faster prosecution

Gradual introduction of faster prosecution

Published: Just now

full screen Speedy prosecution of crimes is gradually being introduced across the country. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

At the turn of the year, the previous attempt at faster prosecution in courts was made permanent. But the working method is gradually spreading across the country. The 27 district courts where it is already applied have made the working method permanent as of January 1. At the other 21 district courts, it will begin to be used during the year, writes the newspaper Publikt.

The method shortens the process from crime to conviction through collaboration between the Police Agency, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Swedish Courts Agency, the Forensic Medicine Agency and the Correctional Service.

Last year, roughly 22,000 cases were settled through accelerated prosecution. It was close to four out of ten of all criminal cases in the relevant district courts. The median time between offense and sentence was 7.1 weeks.

The most common crimes where the expedited procedure has been used are drug crimes, shoplifting, illegal driving, drunk driving and violations of the Knife Act.
