GPTs can now be called into any conversation in ChatGPT

It was announced that a good step was taken within the scope of the update. In this context now You can call GPTs to any conversation within ChatGPT.

This “@The name behind ChatGPT explains how the process works via the ” sign. OpenAI shared right below video revealed with. This feature will provide great convenience in many different situations. Came after activation of private GPT market. If you don’t know, the company held its first developer conference in recent months and made many important announcements at the event. The most striking innovation within the scope of the event was the special GPT It was a creation system. Thanks to this system, Plus and Enterprise subscribers can It was said that they will be able to create special GPTs according to their own purposes / wishes. The company currently powers ChatGPT with GPT-4, created with GPT Builder. He said it would also allow customized GPTs to be sold to others. This is where GPTs of others can be viewed and purchased. Creating a digital market The company said that this will be put into use at the end of November. The market was postponed to 2024 due to administrative difficulties. In the past weeks, the expected step was taken and GPT Store An official launch was made for the market named.


Before this OpenAI for family-friendly GPTs Common Sense Media have established a partnership with He made a splash by announcing. Non-profit organization that rates media content and technologies for suitability for children’s use Common Sense Media partnership established with OpenAI It seems quite logical because children also use artificial intelligence tools. It is reported that the two people aim to work together to create artificial intelligence guides and educational materials for young people, their parents and educators, and it is also said that a special collection of family-friendly GPTs based on Common Sense’s ratings will be created in OpenAI’s GPT store.
