Government seminar to ‘align actions with’ president opens

Government seminar to align actions with president opens

In the DRC, the government of Judith Suminwa began a three-day seminar in Kinshasa on July 21, 2024, inaugurated by the head of state Félix Tshisekedi. The latter took the opportunity to define his expectations: ” Government solidarity, discipline and unwavering adherence to the Prime Minister’s coordinating role are essential elements to ensure the success of your collective action. »

2 min

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the government of Judith Suminwa has been in training for three days, in a luxurious hotel in Kinshasa, since Sunday evening. The ministers will be equipped on management and collaboration.

This is an important seminar since Félix Tshisekedi came to power, who took the opportunity to define the broad outlines of his collaboration with the government: from the functioning of the executive to the awarding of public contracts, including the consumption of credits, this seminar consists of equipping the new ministers on governance.

Among the 54 members of this first government of Félix Tshisekedi’s second five-year term, 30 of them have little or no experience in state management.

President Félix Tshisekdi told them: “ Government solidarity, discipline and unwavering adherence to the Prime Minister’s coordination role are essential elements to ensure the success of your collective action. This seminar is part of this process of appropriation and mastery of the essential tools for better execution of your tasks. »

Each will be judged on the basis of the concrete results obtained. »

From now on, members of the government will have to avoid taking initiatives that are isolated from the president’s vision. The latter added: ” It is imperative that each member of the government aligns his actions with the vision that I carry. Each will be judged on the basis of the concrete results obtained in accordance with the objectives and priority actions defined in the government’s action program. »

The experts, including former government officials, United Nations and World Bank officials, were encouraged to hold discussions ” instructive, without wooden language or dogmatic positions “The Congolese leader expects, in his own words, a critical and constructive approach.

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