Government employees are allowed to use Tiktok despite a warning

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The Armed Forces
No general prohibition. In the case of activities worthy of protection, safety protection measures are taken, which may mean that you may not bring a mobile phone, that a smart mobile may not be used or used with restrictions. For people in senior positions, the Swedish Armed Forces use special mobile equipment with the necessary functionality where only apps approved by the authority can be used. Among other things, it appears from these that the use of apps must be restricted and with discretion and that users are only allowed to install apps from official marketplaces linked to the supplier of the operating system.

The Courts Office
According to our mobile phone policy, the mobile phone as a starting point must only be used by the employee for the performance of work tasks. Some private use of the mobile phone is, however, permitted, if it is done to a lesser extent.

The Energy Agency
The Swedish Energy Agency has not explicitly prohibited the download of the Tiktok app. However, all employees are asked to always carefully consider both needs and suitability before downloading apps for phones and tablets.

The insurance fund
Our official mobile phones are equipped with a so-called “Sandbox” for those apps that contain the authority’s information assets. In the private part of the mobile devices, there are no restrictions on apps as long as these do not violate the authority’s ethical rules. Currently, we do not have a single block against Tiktok in the private part of the mobile devices.

The Coast Guard
The coast guard has a technical solution which means that the phones have an open and a closed part. The closed and open parts are completely separated from each other by means of a technical safety solution. Currently, there is no block for Tiktok in particular.

Civil Aviation Authority
The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority does not allow the installation of Tiktok in the phone’s managed workspace. There is currently no technical restriction in the private part of the phone, but this is under review.

The Swedish Medicines Agency
The Swedish Medicines Agency uses an MDM tool to control and monitor our service phones. There is no barrier against installing TikTok.

The Swedish Migration Agency
Currently, there is no restriction against Tiktok. We have internal governing documents that regulate how the authority’s IT equipment is to be used. They state, among other things, that private use may take place but that it must be done sparingly and with good judgment.

The authority for social protection and preparedness
The TikTok app is currently not prohibited to use and therefore not blocked on the authority’s mobile devices. Which apps are to be blocked is continuously evaluated. If an app is deemed unsuitable, it is automatically uninstalled on all mobile devices and cannot be reinstalled.

Mail and telephoneboard
We currently have no restrictions on which apps our employees use. There is no decision to block Tiktok or other apps today.

The Norwegian Veterinary Medical Institute
There are rules about using the service phone and computer but no named apps that cannot be installed. All staff have undergone training in IT security to raise awareness of dangers.

The Radiation Safety Authority
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority has no restrictions on apps, but we use Mobile Device Management.

The e-health authority
No, that is not allowed. We have blocks that prevent the installation of apps other than those approved for download on our mobile phones and tablets.

Swedish Power Grid
No explicit ban on Tiktok. We strive to have only service-related software in our service phones, but some freedom exists even if it is controlled with Mobile Device Management. We have Apple phones as a standard range, precisely so that you cannot do anything with the phones.

The Swedish Transport Administration
The Swedish Transport Administration has no rules that prohibit Tiktok on the job mobile phone.

The Swedish Transport Agency
No decisions have yet been made regarding which apps will be blocked or restricted.

The Financial Supervisory Authority
It is not allowed with that Tiktok on service phones. We have managing, MDM, of mobiles and clear regulations for what employees can and cannot do on the authority’s equipment.

The Public Health Authority
No, we have blocked Tiktok since early autumn 2020.

The Swedish Food Agency
No, that is not allowed.

The National Debt
At the moment, it is not possible to download any social media apps, which means that Tiktok cannot be installed on the service mobile or on the service tablet.

Maritime Administration
It is not allowed to install and use Tiktok on service phones. There is a latch that prevents this.

Tax Agency
We have guidelines for how to use the Swedish Tax Agency’s work tools. You should only install applications that you need in your service performance. We do not explicitly prohibit specific apps. Employees may only have work-related apps on their mobile phones. Tiktok is not needed based on the Swedish Tax Agency’s mission.

The National Board of Health and Welfare
The Tiktok app is blacklisted. Which means that it cannot be used on the authority’s mobile phones.

No one at the Swedish Customs Service shall have access to Tiktok through the authority’s phones or tablets. The basic rule is that we cannot or cannot download private apps.

The Swedish Agency for Agriculture
The Swedish Agricultural Agency’s regulations do not allow the installation of apps on service phones.

The police
The Police Authority does not comment on which applications are installed on the authority’s phones or on the tools that are installed in the Police Authority’s IT environment.

The security police
Internal rules and routines regarding the use of technical equipment are not something the Security Police has the opportunity to answer questions about.

The Prosecutor’s Office
We do not disclose information about which protections and/or restrictions we use on our mobile phones.
