Government crisis, to be voted on 25 September. Draghi: “Forward on PNRR and emergencies”

Government crisis to be voted on 25 September Draghi Forward

(Finance) – “We must be very proud of the work we have done, in the wake of the mandate of the President of the Republic, at the service of all citizens. Italy has everything to be strong, authoritative, credible in the world. You proved it day by day after day in these months of government. I will bring with me a very nice memory of these meetings, of the exchanges that I have had individually with you. There will still be time for greetings. Now we must maintain the same determination in the activity that we will be able to carry out in the next weeks, within the limits of the perimeter that was designed “. These are the words that the Prime Minister Mario Draghi, in disbanded chambers, addressed the ministers in his introductory speech at the meeting of the CDM.

The Council of Ministers has set the date of the elections for 25 September. The government will remain in office for the handling of current affairs, which however will not be limited to ordinary administration only. The situation, in fact, requires as far as possible a wide operation to deal with the various emergencies: the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, inflation. Among the acts approved by the Council of Ministers there is the decree calling the electoral rallies for the elections of the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies for 25 September 2022, as well as determining the date of the first meeting of the new Chambers set for 13 October 2022. Decrees that they were signed by Mattarella and countersigned by the President of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of the Interior.

“I want to thank first of all the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, for the trust placed in me and for the wisdom with which he managed this phase of crisis. I also want to thank you all, for the dedication, generosity, pragmatism you have shown in these months – said the premier in Cdm -. We must face the emergencies related to the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, inflation and the cost of energy. We must carry out the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan also to favor the work of the Government that will succeed us “.

All ministers – according to what is learned – thanked the president for the work done so far and for his authority.

REACTIONS – “We didn’t want to drop Draghi, but he made himself unavailable to an encore. He was probably tired and took the leap to leave. In any case, he chose him and now we are already working for a new center-right government – he commented. Silvio Berlusconi in an interview with the director of Repubblica Maurizio Molinari -. We are a responsible force, we have nothing to do with the 5 Stars. We were part of a majority of national unity, of a government that I wanted to be born. We had no reason to drop it. Forza Italia wanted the government to go ahead but this could not happen with the 5Stelle who had caused the crisis and broke the pact of trust at the basis of the majority of national unity. We had proposed a resolution that provided for a new executive without the grillini. But Draghi decided to put his trust in the Casini motion, which did not contain these indications. That’s why, at that point, the Forza Italia group could not help but leave the classroom. Gelmini and Brunetta – said Berlusconi commenting on farewells in Forza Italia – rest in peace. We are talking about exponents without following or political future “.” The Center-right is united in view of the vote on September 25, there is no time to waste – said the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini to Tg1 -. The problems of families at home are bills, mortgages and reforms not made for the no of the Democratic Party and 5 stars “.” We frankly did not expect to get to the vote on September 25: the death of this government was daring and unexpected but we we are ready and in the political panorama Fdi will be the party that least of all will have to explain what it wants to do: our priorities, our position and the posture on how to deal with crises have always been clearly articulated by us in recent years. We just need to reiterate them. Those in difficulty are others who have to reinvent a new identity – said La president of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni to Tg2 Post -. I will ask for greater commitment than what I was guaranteed in the past on the unwillingness to make variable alliances: when you are a team and you start a battle, – he added, commenting on relations with center-right allies – the first rule is that you wins and loses together. And when you win together you govern together, when you lose you are in the opposition together. “Instead, he does not give up at the end of the Draghi government. Matteo Renzi che calls the “Draghi area” together. “Let’s get ready to run, if someone wants us, they look for us. We already have the 200 candidates ready on the 200 seats. Even the symbol is ready” said the leader of Italia Viva, based on what we learn this morning during the course. of the assembly of the groups of IV which took place in the Chamber. Renzi – is explained to Ansa by qualified IV sources – will ask those who want to support the Draghi area to give a signal. On the same line Luigi Di Maio. “I believe that Italy still needs Mario Draghi – Di Maio told Corriere Tv -. I cannot be with those who, with sovereignism, populism and opportunism, have brought down the government. I want to be with whom believes in stability, accountability and reforms. We must all accept President Mattarella’s appeal to complete the work on the NRP, set up the work of the budget law and continue to work with the same determination for the Ukrainian crisis. from now on he will not be in full office but there are important bills, which if we do not approve them we will lose the approximately 20 billion year-end installment for the PNRR. President Draghi yesterday spoke of the republican government, I believe that the party of the republican government must be transversal and must bring together a series of political subjects, we will see which ones. The substantial difference will be between the irresponsible and the responsible ones. and they have brought down the government they have sabotaged Draghi’s reform agenda, which must not fall into the dust. We are ready to take charge of that agenda, which did not concern only the emergency objectives, but which focused on objectives to be solved and not gossip, and which was setting Italy on track towards a new era “.” In the coming days the Democratic Party will launch a proposal to the country to be successful in the elections. Around this we will see who will be there and we will build a coalition that I am convinced will be successful. Yesterday’s vote completely changed the political landscape “, said the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta to Tg3.” All parties – said Letta interviewed by Bloomberg – must respect the process of reforms linked to the PNRR, it is impossible not to do so with this money. I will propose to all parties in the electoral campaign to sign a pact, so that everyone respects this program and these choices, because this money is for Italy but it is European money. I hope everyone signs it. ”

VOTE TIMING – The timing for the elections, which will be held on 25 September, has officially started. July 27 is the deadline by which the Interior Ministry must send the lists of voters abroad, which are constantly updated, to the Farnesina. In fact, the law establishes that they must be sent within the sixtieth day prior to the voting. Between 12 and 14 August, parties must deposit their electoral badges and symbols at the Interior Ministry. 21 and 22 August are the days reserved for the presentation of the lists, the 35th and 34th before the vote. The lists of candidates are presented in the central electoral offices set up at the Courts of Appeal. August 26 is the official start date of the electoral propaganda, the month of the election campaign before the vote, with the posting of election posters. September 25 is election day. October 15 is the date by which the first session of the new Parliament must be held. Until the new chambers are reunited, the powers of the previous ones are extended.
