Government collective catering: immediate interventions

DEF Thursday in CdM for approval

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The collective catering sector is asking the Government for immediate action to avoid the stoppage of essential services for schools and healthcare facilities. This is the request for Agci Servizi, Anir Confindustria, Confcooperative Lavoro e Servizi, Legacoop Production and Services. “Companies in the collective catering sector – reads the note – have been denouncing, for too long now, the serious crisis situation they are going through: being able to ensure the provision of services, especially in contracts with the Public Administration, without being recognized as cost increases – energy and foodstuffs – that the current situation is imposing on the market”.

The impossibility of remodulating the contracts and of having the necessary price revision, they underline, “is causing an unsustainable situation, at the total expense of companies in order not to interrupt the catering services in schools, hospitals and in many areas of public administration, considered essential and undeferrable. A condition that causes strong economic imbalances that are exposing companies and cooperatives to serious risks, after having already been strongly affected by the effects of the pandemic. The continuous lack of interest of the institutions towards this sector suggests, in the short term, the collapse of an entire sector, with strong social implications and on the world of work, given that today it represents 1,500 companies for an audience of around 110,000 employees. And a total turnover of 6.5 billion”

For this reason, on 14 November at 4 pm, in the Chamber of Deputies, during a special press conference, Anir Confindustria and the Alliance of Italian Cooperative Services (Agci Servizi, Confcooperative Lavoro e Servizi, Legacoop Produzione e Servizi) asked the Government for the following interventions: urgent Regulatory intervention in the context of the next aid or emergency decrees to introduce, as an emergency, the possibility of remodulating and renegotiating existing contracts with the PA and the introduction of the obligation to revise prices on the basis of official indexes on the variation the cost of raw materials; reuse of the unallocated inventories of the collective catering support fund also for the budget losses for the year 2021; review of the current application of Cams in collective catering, in the light of the entry into force of the new law on km 0 and short supply chain”
