Government announces plan for organ harvesting and transplants

Government announces plan for organ harvesting and transplants

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    Presented by the Minister of Health Olivier Véran on March 14, this 2022-2026 plan provides for a budget of 210 million euros. Both to grant more resources for organ and tissue transplants, but also to increase the number of transplants from living donors.

    It is a significant number. In France, more than 10,000 people are currently waiting for a transplant. A figure accentuated by the health crisis, but not only. In an attempt to provide solutions to the patients concerned, the Minister of Health has just unveiled the 4th ministerial plan for the removal and transplantation of organs and tissues 2022-2026.

    A transplant plan with a substantial budget

    Also supported by the Biomedicine Agency, this sampling and transplant plan will have a budget of 210 million euros. Among the objectives set by the government: to perform between 6,760 and 8,530 transplants by 2026, an increase of 40% more than today.

    In addition to the number of transplants, 150 advanced practice nurses will be mobilized to better coordinate the samples taken at the hospital. Another important measure: the plan provides for performance indicators to judge the transplant activity within each region or even a “sampling and transplant” referent in the regional health agencies (ARS).

    A breakthrough hailed by Renaloo

    The Renaloo health association, which carries the voice of kidney patients, welcomes the adoption of this plan, for which it has campaigned for several years. Magali Léo, in charge of Renaloo’s advocacy, explains that this plan “arouses both hope and enthusiasm” for patients awaiting a transplant. “Through this plan, there is a strong emphasis on regional management of actions and this is something important” she explains. “In addition, human resources will be strengthened by recruiting nurses in advanced practice who will coordinate transplants.”.

    Improve the number of living donors

    Another important point for Magali Léo: “The planned funding will also be really dedicated to removals and transplants, and not allocated to the overall hospital budget as may have been the case before..

    Furthermore, the plan provides for the strengthening of multi-source collection, ie the donation of organs from living, deceased or discontinued donors. “The objective is to counterbalance the decrease in brain-dead donors. says Magali Leo.

    So many measures to make up for the delay experienced by France in the field. Indeed, let us recall that for kidney transplants, France hopes to reach the rate of 20% of living donors in 2026, against 16% in 2021. Whereas in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, kidney transplants are linked respectively 82% and 53% to living donors.
