Gotham Knights Russian language support removed

Gotham Knights Russian language support removed

The producer of the highly anticipated game has revealed its stance on Russia and Gotham Knights has sanctioned the Russian language option.

In the game, which is expected to be released this year, the Warner Bros team decided to go to the sanction and Gotham Knights took action on Russian language support. Recently, they have joined the companies that have reacted against Russia.

Gotham Knights Russian language support withdrawn

The producer removed the Russian language support (subtitles and voice-overs) from the game with a sudden decision before the game was even released. While Warner Bros did not make any statement on the subject, the Russian language option was removed from all versions of the game with this decision. Not only that, the company also stopped its marketing activities in the Russian region for the game. Some sources contacting The Happy Warriors state that Warner Bros. has completely withdrawn from Russia.

There is no Russian section among the language options on the official website of the game, if you enter the site, you will get a “404 Error” when you click on the Russian section. Although there is no official statement on the subject, it is not difficult to understand that this is not a technical malfunction or error. It is very clear that the Russian invasion of Ukraine caused this.

The producer has recently announced that Gotham Knights will not be released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
