Got sick just before the trip? This is how you know if you will receive compensation

Got sick just before the trip This is how you

It is impossible to predict whether you will get sick or not. Fortunately, home insurance often includes travel cover that can provide compensation for trips missed due to illness.

But it is not always easy to get access to the money.

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News24 have talked to Gabriella Hallberglawyer and travel expert at Konsumenternas försäkringsbyrå about what happens if you get sick before a planned trip.

She explains that the so-called travel cover, which is found in the vast majority of home insurance policies, can provide a certain amount of compensation in the event of unforeseen events.

– If you become acutely ill or suffer an accident, you can take advantage of the basic travel cover included in the home insurance, says Hallberg.

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This is how you can receive compensation in case of acute illness

In the event of illness, the insurance companies can pay for the care and in some cases also the transport home. Exactly what the insurance companies provide compensation for depends on which company you are insured with.

To be on the safe side, you can do a preliminary medical assessment via your insurance company to investigate how the insurance applies.

Gabriella Hallberg, lawyer and travel expert at the Consumers’ Insurance Agency. Photo: Consumers’.

– You are not allowed to travel with an ongoing illness, but you must be symptom-free and not have seen a doctor for this a certain time before the trip. Only acute illnesses, accidents and acute deteriorations are reimbursed, so there must not be any ongoing need for care known to a certain time before the trip, explains Hallberg, and adds:

– You must be healthy when you book the trip.

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If you get so sick during the trip that you have to go to the hospital, it is important to save receipts and expenses. Only through these can the insurance companies grant compensation.

– You also need a clear medical certificate that shows what diagnosis you have received and how many days you had to rest in the hotel room.

In some cases, you can become so ill that you cannot travel home on the planned date.

– If you get seriously ill, you may have to change your journey home. This must first be agreed with the insurance company or cooperating alarm center and approved, says Hallberg.

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The extra cover can provide a replacement trip: “If you were ill in the hotel room…”

The travel cover included in the home insurance covers far from everything that could possibly happen. Gabriella Hallberg points out that there is an extended travel cover that functions as a supplement to the usual travel cover included in home insurance.

Insurance companies often offer extended travel cover as an addition to home insurance. Although it costs more, in some situations it may be worth paying for it.

– If you have more comprehensive home insurance that includes extended travel cover, you can sometimes get compensation for lost vacation days, if you can then show this medical certificate.

In some cases, the extended travel cover may entitle you to a replacement trip. Receipts, expenses and certificates are also important here.

– If you have been ill in the hotel room for more than half the travel time and if it is clear from your medical certificate, you can get a replacement trip, concludes Hallberg.
