Got a new title and salary increase – but no new information

The storm surrounding Stockholm’s corruption-accused governor Anna Kinberg Batra has gained new momentum since TV4 Nyheterna on Monday was able to reveal a third person named by Anna Kinberg Batra who was questioned internally at the County Board in Stockholm. According to several sources, the new emergency manager Mikael Jeppson was hired without formally meeting the requirements set when the position was advertised. TV4 Nyheterna has seen his application, which shows that he lacks an academic degree, which was a requirement in the advertisement.

TV4 Nyheterna can now reveal that employee Sara Jendi Linder has been appointed manager of Anna Kinberg Batra – without having been given new duties, according to our sources.

– Sara Jendi Linder has worked as an authority strategist with us, but when Anna Kinberg Batra hired her friend Anna Borgs, Sara Jendi Linder also got a new title as development manager. No one knows why and we have not seen that the position as development manager has been advertised, says a source to TV4 Nyheterna.

The appointment has sparked further anger among the authority’s employees who state that trust in Anna Kinberg Batra is at rock bottom, something that TV4 Nyheterna was the first to report on.

New title – same duties

TV4 Nyheterna has requested documents from the County Administrative Board in Stockholm and in a decision, Sara Jendi Linder’s duties in her new role as development manager are: “Her new assignment has an additional focus on strategic development of the business and coordination of its processes in collaboration with the county administrative board’s management team. ”

When TV4 Nyheterna compares the duties with the role description for an authority strategist from a job advertisement from Södermanland County, it appears that the duties are almost identical to Sara Jendi Linder’s new role as head of development.

“You will work with strategy formulation, environmental analysis and business development, often in a coordinating role and in collaboration with experts, as well as run certain assignments in the authority’s regulatory letter. “

A source tells TV4 Nyheterna that Jendi Linder’s new title is directly linked to Anna Kinberg Batra’s recruitment of friend Anna Borgs.

– When Anna Borgs came in as head of planning, she was given similar tasks as Sara Jendi Linder had, but in a managerial role. In connection with that, Sara also became a manager and received a manager’s salary, says a source to TV4 Nyheterna.

Twenty thousand in salary increase

In the decision, it appears that Sara Jendi Linder’s salary was increased to SEK 82,000 when she received the new title. Before that, her salary was SEK 62,400. The decision does not indicate any changes to work duties. It is also not clear whether Jendi Linder has been given any personnel responsibility with the new role, but according to several sources for TV4 Nyheterna she will not have any personnel responsibility, and the sources state that they also have no knowledge of any position as development manager announced.

Former politician for the Moderates in Stockholm

Sara Jendi Linder has previously been active in the Moderates and was a member of the city council in Stockholm, during the same time period that Anna Kinberg Batra held various roles within the party. Anna Kinberg Batra has not personally answered questions about whether they know each other from before, and the County Administrative Board’s head of communications writes in an email to TV4 Nyheterna that they have no information about it:

“Regarding the relationship, we are not aware that they had anyone other than that Sara Jendi Linder was already employed at the County Administrative Board in Stockholm when Anna Kinberg Batra took office.”

The County Administrative Board’s head of communications justifies the new title and salary increase by saying that it is an “agreement on salary on occasions other than salary revision” according to RALS section § 9.

TV4 Nyheterna has applied for Sara Jendi Linder via the County Administrative Board’s press service

RALS stands for “Framework agreement on wages and more for employees of the state” and is a central collective agreement.
