Google went through a major restructuring within the company

Google is starting to close accounts that have not been

Internet giant Google went through a major restructuring within the company today. One of the most important names in the new era Rick Osterloh will be.

Google today announced the launch of Pixel, Nest, Android operating system, Chrome / ChromeOS, and some services such as Photos and more.Platforms and DevicesHe positioned it under the new department called “” and was headed by an experienced person who has been working in the company for a long time. He brought in Rick Osterloh. Longtime head of Android, Chrome and ChromeOS Hiroshi Lockheimer According to the new statement, he will now take part in other projects under the umbrella of Alphabet. Osterloh made a statement on this subject. The company’s artificial intelligence studies were behind the change., stated that it was thought that it would be faster and more effective this way. If you don’t know, Google is on the agenda these days with Israeli protests. Last day many Google employee talks about the company’s $1.2 billion Project Nimbus with the Israeli government to protest the cloud deal new York And sunnyvale closed its offices. The employees held a sit-in protest in the offices with banners in their hands, demanding that the contract be canceled and aid to the Israeli army be cut off. As far as we learned last night, nine Google employees participated in this protest.was arrested by the police because he continued to occupy office areas despite all warnings and obstructed other people.


It was reported that these nine people sat in the personal office of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian for 10 hours, and the moment of their arrest is revealed in the video below. As far as we learned today, 28 people who participated in the protests were identified and their employment was quickly terminated. Making a statement within the company on this issue, Google’s head of global security, Chris Rackow, said, “This type of behavior has no place in our workplace and we will not tolerate it.” said.

