Google to combine productive AI with ads this year

Google to combine productive AI with ads this year

Google, ChatGPT is also doing other artificial intelligence studies alongside its rival Bard. This year, the company plans to combine productive artificial intelligence with advertising.

internet giant Google, Of course, he wants to use the artificial intelligence infrastructure, which he has made huge investments in, on the advertising side, which is everything to him. According to the Financial Times, the company this year will strengthen the advertising side with productive artificial intelligence. In this infrastructure, customers will enter content such as text, images and videos into Google’s artificial intelligence systems, and advanced systems will use them based on purposes such as target audience and sales targets. can automatically blend to create ads. The FT’s tools likely allow Google to get an overview of customers’ campaigns. “Performance Max” It says it will be integrated into the program. Performance Max currently uses machine learning infrastructure to customize ad spend, but reportedly only makes strategic recommendations at the moment. Advanced systems in the new era will also focus on the creative side of the processIn this way, businesses can work without working with a big advertising agency. will be able to prepare complex advertising projects that will attract attention. Meanwhile, Google today also announced Google DeepMind, a new unit made up of the DeepMind team and the Google Brain team at Google Research. This new unit will bring together all the artificial intelligence power of the company.


ChatGPT-like Google Bard these days, it comes to the fore with the negative comments of the employees. For Bard last month to go over it “too rushed” commented, from those working for the chatbot “rushed, clumsy, and comically focusing on a narrow field of view“There were comments. In this regard, the target point is directly Google CEO. Sundar Pichai It had happened because the CEO had accelerated the system’s debut. Now, the chatbot of Google employees worse than useless And a pathological liar turned out to be called. Employees who once again stated that the Bard was rushed, It was also learned that he begged the administrators not to release the system early..

According to Bloomberg’s report, which is based on interviews with 18 current and former Google employees and screenshots of internal messages. bard, to users on topics such as how to land a plane or scuba diving and more frequently gives false and dangerous advice. This logical system, which is still not widely opened to everyone, Of course, despite these comments, it will not be closed or cast aside.. Meanwhile, fearing the success of ChatGPT, Google Here It is also actively working on other artificial intelligence studies that we have included, giving its full focus to “AI” systems these days.
