Google takes a step towards obscene images in search

Google takes a step towards obscene images in search

Googlemade an important announcement within the scope of Safe Internet Day. The firm will soon blur explicit images automatically.

Safe Internet Day The internet giant, which has signed multiple announcements within the scope of Google, Firstly “In the coming months, we’re expanding measures to help protect you and your family from obscene/inappropriate images in Search.” He said and brought the process to the center of the SafeSearch feature. With the company’s SafeSearch system, which is already in use, inappropriate content will be removed from your results. you can filter. Inappropriate results include obscene content such as pornography, violence and blood, and It is reported that this infrastructure will be automatically activated for everyone soon.. Those who want to see this content will soon have to open it privately from the settings. “SafeSearch is already turned on by default for users under 18” says, Google will make the protection better with its new step. This is important because sometimes it’s in the image search section even though it’s not really the main search term. very inappropriate images may appear.


of the firm Safe Internet Day Another announcement within the scope of the article drew attention. On the topic of password management, Google: conveyed: “Google Password Manager is built into Chrome and Android to help you securely create, store and automatically sign in passwords on your computer or phone. Now for use before entering saved passwords on supported computers we add biometric authentication option. You can also use this feature to securely view, copy or edit passwords saved with Google Password Manager on Chrome and Android, without having to type your computer password every time.”
