Google shared new details and figures for Play Store security

Google shared new details and figures for Play Store security

internet giant GoogleThe Android application market is doing important work for Play Store security. However, these are exactly it is not enough.

Google, According to the official share, in 2021, the total Managed to block 1.2 million malicious apps without logging into Play Store. It was stated that this figure was reached with specially developed algorithms and meticulous examinations of the teams. Google also Play Store who produce malicious application to publish in It also announced that 190 thousand developer accounts were blocked.. The figures announced, of course, look pretty good, but they are still not quite enough. In 2022, there are still many harmful applications in the Play Store, and large-scale fraudulent activities are frequently heard. Google needs to keep the job even tighter in the process. In this regard, rival Apple cannot achieve 100 percent success, but the App Store can keep the application market a little more secure.

yesterday too Play Store and app privacy An important new era has started in the focus. Applications in the new period, which was put into use yesterday for those who missed it, “securityIt will clearly show you all the data they will collect / process about you through the ” section. Here are also key details that the app can access from the phone (Location, photos etc.) will also be displayed as active.


The company, which generally creates a modern line here, will also highlight the special security measures used by application developers in the process. For example, if the application encrypts your data, this detail will be made publicly available to the user. At the same time, the suitability of the application for children is among the details that will be clearly stated.

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