Google roof company expands business in transporting cargo with drone

Google roof company expands business in transporting cargo with drone

Google roofing company Alphabet, transporting cargo with drone expands the business. The company has a Texas-based operation in the USA. starting.

Today, many companies want to replace the traditional cargo handling process. In this regard, active tests are carried out for alternative transportation vehicles that will operate both by land and air. One of the names working on this issue is Alphabet’s section called “Wing”. Wing has been operating on a small scale, based in Australia since the beginning of 2019. carries out cargo transport operation with drone. Wing also conducts US-based trials. This time, a serious operation based in Texas begins. Thanks to this new operation, which was introduced in the video above, certain companies will use small drones to be taken from the air to customers who order small products such as ice cream and medicine.

For this process, the company will use small drones that can carry a load of 1.5 kg, which you can see in the video, and the company uses special paper carriers that are attached to the rope in the process. The chambers in which the products will be placed are attached to the rope downloaded from the drone and pulled up. The process works similarly when going to the customer’s home. The drone does not land directly on the ground, only the package is lowered with the help of a rope. In this way, a process that can be considered safe is obtained.


According to the statement, for now, these drone models will be shipped with a diameter of 10 km and the process will be constantly monitored by the operators. The transmission will generally operate autonomously, but in case things go wrong, people will constantly follow the drones.

There are also those who do larger operational tests with larger drones around the world. There is a great future in this field in general.

Besides transporting cargo with drone, you may also be interested in: Flying vehicle study prepared by Renault
