Google Maps will soon show toll prices and road signs

why Google blocks changes in Maps

Google is preparing to deploy new options in its mapping application that should delight frequent travelers. Google Maps should indeed soon display an estimate of the price of the tolls present on your route, before your departure. Google expects to obtain this information from local highway companies.

The Mountain View company should, however, allow users who wish to do so to select alternative routes to avoid toll roads thanks to a new dedicated option. Google indicates that the toll price estimate should be deployed this April on Android and iOS.

However, US, Indian, Japanese and Indonesian users will be served first. Google nevertheless specifies that this functionality will be deployed more widely in other countries in the coming months.

Stop signs and traffic lights

Another notable new feature, Google Maps will display, in navigation mode, the traffic lights and Stop signs present on your route. The mapping application will also offer other details on the map, such as the presence of notable buildings or important points of interest. In some major cities, Maps will go even further in detail and show the shape and size of the roads taken. These new options will allow you to anticipate when driving on unfamiliar roads. Google specifies that these new features will be deployed in certain countries on Android, iOS, Android Auto and CarPlay in the coming weeks, without however giving more details as to the lucky ones.

New features for Maps on iOS

iPhone users will be able to enjoy Google Maps in three new ways. The iOS application will integrate a widget which, pinned to the iPhone home screen, will allow you to quickly launch a route to a favorite destination, also including public transport routes.

In addition, the application will soon be able to guide you home directly from your Apple Watch. In the next few weeks, Google will allow you to display a route to your home directly on your watch by opening the application from the shortcut displayed on it. You will no longer need to unlock your iPhone and launch the iOS app to find your way.

Finally, Google has worked on its app so that it can fully integrate with Siri, Spotlight, and the Shortcuts app of iOS. By next summer, you’ll be able to create shortcuts using Google Maps and run them directly by asking (nicely) Siri, the iPhone’s voice assistant.

Source: google
