Google Maps users were surprised to discover a top secret submarine in the satellite view of a US naval base. A machine with a futuristic design supposed to stay away from the public eye…

Google Maps users were surprised to discover a top secret

Google Maps users were surprised to discover a top secret submarine in the satellite view of a US naval base. A futuristic-looking machine that is supposed to stay out of the public eye…

It’s not every day that we have access to military secrets. And for good reason: they are supposed to remain secret! However, this is what happened a few days ago to simple Internet users who were exploring the Californian coasts in Google Maps. By activating the satellite view layer, they were able to see a futuristic US Navy craft docked at a naval base. This surprising discovery obviously quickly went around the Internet, revealing an experimental device that should only be seen by the military!

The craft in question is an autonomous submarine shaped like a manta ray. Known as the Manta Ray, the drone is being developed by Northrop Grumman for the U.S. Navy. Designed for long-duration underwater missions, the unmanned vehicle can operate without refueling, hiding in the ocean depths like a real manta ray. Its unique appearance and advanced technology make it a valuable asset to U.S. defense.

This underwater drone is not a gadget. It was designed for stealth operations, with the ability to hibernate on the seabed for long periods, consuming very little energy. Its modular design also allows for rapid repairs and reconfigurations depending on the missions. These features make it an extremely adaptable and formidable tool.

© CCM-Google Maps

What makes this discovery even more intriguing is that it was made thanks to Google Maps. Curious users spotted this submarine docked at the Port Hueneme Naval Base in California. The image, which is still visible on Google Maps but which will undoubtedly be modified soon, shows the Manta Ray wedged between two more conventional ships, its distinctive and futuristic shape clearly standing out.

Normally, such a device would have been kept out of sight of the general public, which raises questions about the security and discretion of American military operations. Some even speculate that this appearance on Google Maps could be an intentional maneuver, intended to send a clear message to foreign powers like Russia or China.

The reveal of the Manta Ray on Google Maps has attracted the attention of not only military technology enthusiasts but also online navigation enthusiasts. This shows how civilian technologies, like Google Maps, can sometimes reveal well-kept secrets. The US Navy, although tight-lipped on details, has not denied the existence of this craft, adding a layer of mystery and fascination to this story.

So next time you’re exploring Google Maps, keep your eyes peeled. You might just stumble upon another military secret, or simply admire the hidden wonders of the world.
