Google Maps adds beautiful aerial views

Google Maps adds beautiful aerial views

Google Maps will benefit from three new updates, starting with photorealistic aerial views for a hundred places. Google has also added notifications for location sharing, as well as additional information for cyclists.

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Google just announced the launch of a new function of photorealistic aerial views. Fly over nearly a hundred monuments and tourist sites in 3D in cities such as Barcelona, ​​London, New York, San Francisco and Tokyo.

The firm used theArtificial intelligence to combine billions of satellite pictures, aerial and Street View and thus generate a photorealistic 3D representation. Just look for a site like Big Ben or theEmpire State Building in Google Maps then access the Photos section.

This is the first step of launching the function Immersive View announced during the Google I/O 2022 in May, which will soon make it possible to visit entire neighborhoods in 3D. Google will offer the possibility to change the time to see traffic at different times of the day, or to see a street with different weather conditions. It will even be possible to enter certain buildings, such as restaurants.

Photorealistic aerial views in Google Maps. ©Google

More detailed information for cyclists

Google also announced the launch in the coming weeks of two other updates for Maps. The first will offer more detailed information for cyclists. Enter a cycling route in Google Maps and this will display, when the data is available, information such as the presence of steep coasts,stairs or traffic automotive dense, as well as the type of road.

Finally, it will now be possible to set up notifications when a person shares their location, in order to let them know when they arrive or leave a place. This allows, for example, groups to know when everyone has arrived at an event to better coordinate, or to be able to ensure that everyone has returned home afterwards.

The deployment of aerial views in Google Maps is in progress and should therefore be quickly available for everyone, on iOSAndroid or computer.

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