Google keeps saying “Stadia isn’t dead”

Google keeps saying Stadia isnt dead

First introduced at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) Google Stadia Many claims arise from time to time for being thrown.

“Creating the future of the gaming world” Launched as the service, it came to the fore with more than one news that caused concern in the past period. It was decided to close the studios that would produce special games for the service, and many important names left the service. In the light of these and similar developments, working on game sales Google Stadia many times for “The end of the road is near” comments were made. Notorious for shutting down failed services Googlerecently stadia in particular, it is at the center of negative rumors. Due to these increasing rumors, a new statement was made from Stadia’s official Twitter account. Once again, this statement It was announced that Stadia will not be closed on the net. This is not the first time the company has made this statement. Stadia official in past years Nate Ahearnsaid that the service is alive and continues on its way without any problems.

Despite everything, for Stadia, whose game library is growing, Google needs to take different steps to stand out. Because, in general, the game world and players continue to look at the service from afar. Google Stadia, a cloud-based gaming service for those who still don’t know. This platform takes its power from the cloud, that is, from a giant server that works remotely. In other words, the games are not running on your system, they are running on these very powerful servers, images are only transferred to you over the internet.


The service, which allows you to enjoy gaming in 4K or Full HD resolution from your laptop, desktop, tablet or phone depending on your internet connection, does not require any upload / download. for their servers AMD The company, which has partnered with the company, promises the highest gaming performance. In this system, at least 20 Mbps internet connection is required for 1080P games and at least 35 Mbps internet connection for 4K games.

in the field GeForce Now and Xbox Cloud Gaming with strong competitors such as (There are other names as well) stadia, It is not a service that is officially in use in Turkey and this is not expected to change anytime soon.
