Google is updating its search algorithm to improve quality

Google is updating its search algorithm to improve quality

Internet giant Google is updating its search algorithm to improve quality. Fighting spam and low-quality content on the search side getting stronger.

Googleis constantly updating to improve the quality of the content appearing in the search results, and in this context, a new algorithm was put into operation in May. “Today, we’re announcing important changes we’re making to improve the quality of Search and make results more useful.” Google stated the following on this subject: Improved quality ranking: We make algorithmic improvements to our core ranking systems to uncover the most useful information on the internet and reduce unoriginal content in search results. New and improved spam policies: “We are updating our spam policies to keep out of Search low-quality content from older websites that are being used as a spam hub by their new owners.” In the new era, content produced by artificial intelligence and directly constituting “SEO” spam Google, which is thought to seriously take a backseatstates that some sites with strong reputations may host low-quality content provided by third parties, and states that they will push these to the background in the new algorithm.


GoogleAs has been brought to the agenda in recent weeks, it has been paying some publishers for artificial intelligence-generated articles. According to AdWeek’s news Google gives some independent publishers a notice on their websites. They were paid huge amounts of money to share articles produced by an unpublished artificial intelligence model.. Reportedly, in return for a five-figure sum of money, publishers were asked to publish at least three different “AI” news content per day (it was not mandatory to indicate that these contents were AI production). Using artificial intelligence, publishers who signed the agreement weekly newsletter content And Producing a marketing campaign once a month made compulsory.

The aim behind this was to test the artificial intelligence model, which has not yet been released, and to test the status of AI-generated content in search results. This hitherto accepting secret agreement, “We are in the early stages of working in partnership with news publishers, particularly smaller publishers, to explore ideas that have the potential to provide AI tools to assist journalists.” Google said, as you know, these days, it is especially focused on artificial intelligence. Gemini makes huge investments.
