Google invests heavily in company that developed ChatGPT competitor

Competition Authority opened an investigation against Google

Internet giant Google OpenAI Developed by and made a lot of noise lately ChatGPT keep going ahead doing.

Last week, Google announced its own search-driven chatbot including the demo It plans to launch more than 20 AI products. reported. This morning, the firm February 8 It was announced that it will organize a special event focused on artificial intelligence and search. ChatGPT due to real “Red alert” The issuing firm, as it turns out today, is one of the former researchers at OpenAI behind ChatGPT. Dario Amodei Founded in 2021 by anthropic to the firm 300 million dollars has invested. by share anthropic is a direct competitor to ChatGPT but not yet available. Claude He is working on an artificial intelligence chatbot called This investment is expected to provide access to Claude’s key infrastructures. Googlenewly emerging fully realized the investment at the end of 2022. The internet giant, which acquired 10 percent of the company with an investment of 300 million dollars, became the sole cloud processing provider of Anthropic within the scope of the agreement.


According to information shared by CNBC Googlers are currently actively testing several potential ChatGPT competitors. Among them, Google LAMDA using speech technology “Apprentice Bard” a named “chat bot” is located. According to the report, Google management has asked the LaMDA team to prioritize work on its ChatGPT competitor. Working on this basis, Apprentice Bard works like ChatGPT and responds to users’ questions or requests. reported to be able to give written answers.

It is reported that unlike ChatGPT, it can also provide information about current events (2021 and later). Google’s AI chatbotAccording to those who have had the chance to try it, it can offer very detailed results. Google is also reportedly testing a new search page centered around the question and answer format. For now, on the experimental homepage, people will be able to ask questions on any subject they want and respond to it. will be able to get answers as if they are coming from a real person. Suggested questions that may be a continuation of the question entered here will be shown and links to various sites will be given.
