If you want to know who is calling you without having to look at your screen, you can set a special ringtone for specific contacts. But for this you need to find that contact, go to their details page, tap on the three-dot menu and find the Set ringtone option. While this isn’t that difficult to do, Google offers a new way to do it that some may find a little simpler.

Google Contacts launches a new section
According to TheSpAndroid, Google is introducing a “Contact ringtones” section in the Google Contacts app. The new section appears to be coming to the stable version of the app ( and is located in the Fix & manage tab. If the app has been updated, you can find this option in the “More tools” section in the bottom half of the Fix & manage page.
When you open the new page, you will see a list of people to whom you have previously given unique ringtones. On this page you will also have the option to add new contact ringtones, change the ringtones you choose for those contacts, and remove unique ringtones from those contacts.