Google can remove 900 thousand applications / games from the Play Store

Google shared new details and figures for Play Store security

tech giant apple and App Store like the side Google for legacy apps Play Store to take centered steps getting ready.

As it turns out, Google Play Store It is preparing to remove about 900 thousand applications / games from within. It is reported that these applications / games have not been updated for two years and will be taken out of the platform if no action is taken soon. While it is said that Google will directly delete some productions and hide some, according to sources, Apple is preparing to remove up to 650 thousand applications and games. The duo, which plans to part ways with more than 1.5 million old content in total, is not very satisfying for some people. This situation does not please developers with some completed applications / games. However, it is important to update applications for new operating systems and policies. Especially in the new period, this must be taken into account, because more importance is now given to this issue in both the Play Store and the App Store.


apple He had a reaction to this in the past few weeks. Before the company removes an app from the market, it sends a message to the app developer. In these messages, the numbers of which increased significantly last week, “your app/game hasn’t been updated for a very long time, if you don’t update within 30 days it will be removed from sale” notification is passed.

It was the application developer who reacted to this topic, which was on the agenda, in large numbers. especially the games It was reported to be a completed work of art. and the update expectation for them was not welcomed.

on the subject apple An update has been passed to clarify the process. First of all, it was clarified how to choose the games and applications to be removed, and here is exactly what it is: “Apps and games that have not been updated in the last three years and do not meet the minimum download threshold (No longer downloads or very few downloads over a 12-month period) are subject to policy”.

Apple also announced that they have increased the previously given 30-day period to 90 days. In other words, developers who receive the warning message now have 90 days, not 30, to update their applications or games. exists.

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