Google Brings Podcasts to YouTube Music App!

Google Brings Podcasts to YouTube Music App

Google announced that starting in the US, YouTube Music users will begin receiving podcast support. Introduced in February, the new feature will not require a paid YouTube Music plan.

This feature will work just like any other AV content. Audio and video can be optionally used offline in the background while streaming and switching between them. Google mentioned that all of this comes for free.

What Google does not dwell on is what will happen with the Podcasts app. It is currently removed from the Google search list and the last update came in August 2022. Currently, there are not as many podcasts on YouTube Music as on the original platform, but we expect that to change as the transition progresses.

There is also the possibility that this is some kind of A/B test and may be market dependent. However, Google is known for phasing out many features and services, and we believe the Podcasts app is next in the software graveyard.

YouTube Music Announces Its New Feature!
