A major breakthrough in the field of quantum computing will shatter all calculation records. The American giant Google has unveiled a new processor, called Willow. A super-powerful chip which presents unprecedented performances and which would be capable of reducing errors exponentially.
1 minute
Imagine a computer that can simultaneously explore an exponential number of possibilities, with incredible computing capabilities. This is now possible thanks to the processors unveiled by Google, which has just taken an important step in quantum research.
The chip in fact carried out a calculation in less than five minutes that would take one of the most powerful computers on the market several million years. But above all, this chip can correct errors thanks to a system which finally proves effective.
Because while quantum computers promise to open up incredible computing capabilities, their margin for error still remains very high. With this new processor called Willow, this rate drops to around one per thousand.
The objective: to create the first truly operational quantum computer
“ We see Willow as an important step in our journey to building a useful quantum computer with practical applications in areas such as drug discovery, fusion energy, battery design and more “said Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, on the social network
This correction system has been tested for decades by several teams around the world with all the IT giants, whether IBM, Microsoft, Amazon or even Intel. They are working hard to try to create the first truly operational quantum computer, which will take several more years and, above all, several billion dollars of additional investments.
Also readQuantum computing, the beginnings of a technological revolution