Chatham Goodfellows have recognized the long-time support of the local military as they name Mrs. and Mr. Goodfellow to kick off their 69th No Child Without a Christmas campaign.
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Donna Pardoe, who first volunteered with the local charity in 1973 as a cadet with the 59 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, is this year’s Mrs. Goodfellow.
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Matthew Mitchell, who’s volunteered with the Goodfellows since joining the Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment back in 1996, is this year’s Mr. Goodfellow.
Goodfellow Barb Smith said since Pardoe became a cadet corps officer in 1982, she made sure cadets were available to help the campaign pack and deliver toys and food.
“The cadets really love to come out and help other people,” Pardoe said after receiving the honor at a recent banquet. “It is what we teach them in cadets.”
Pardoe is delighted by the “excellent” honor, she added. “I never, ever thought I’d get it.”
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Mitchell was introduced to the Goodfellows cause by fellow Essex and Kent Scots. Since 2005, he has taken the lead in ensuring regiment members help with the campaign.
Mitchell enjoys “just to be able to contribute to the community every year,” he said
Being named Mr. Goodfellow was “an absolute shock and surprise,” he added. “It’s a definite honor.”
Swain Bros. are this year’s recipient of the President’s Award.
The company has been helping the charity for more than 50 years, Goodfellows president Craig Williston said.
Founder Alfred Swain, his late wife, Patricia, and four generations of the family have been involved with Goodfellows, he added. “They are always available to assist the Goodfellows in any way needed.”
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Rebecca Miller, Alfred’s granddaughter, and her husband, Sean Miller, accepted the award.
“We’ve just always been a part of the Goodfellows,” she said, adding the business has donated the use of trucks for deliveries.
Swain Bros. organizes an annual Porchlight fundraising drive team with family and Cloverleaf Rod and Gun Club members, Williston said.
“All of us have just kind of been absorbed in doing everything,” Rebecca Miller said.
Sean Miller, who’s been helping the Goodfellows for 27 years, said he enjoys “the giving part, helping out and making sure kids don’t go without a Christmas.”
“We see a lot of bad things in society and this is something that’s really good,” Rebecca Miller added.
The Goodfellows also honored Fred and Elsie Strain with a Lifetime Achievement award for their more than 50 years of volunteering.
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