Goodbye RdC, training and work support arrives: from when and how does it work?

INPS the use of AI starts from the womens option

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Goodbye basic income, in its place comes Support for Training and Employment (SFL), the new measure aimed at promoting the activation in the world of work of people at risk of social and occupational exclusion, through participation in training, professional qualification and retraining, orientation, job support and active employment policies Work. From 1 September it will be possible to apply. INPS communicates it by publishing all the operational details on the new measure of social inclusion.

The SFL is intended for individual members of families, aged between 18 and 59 years old, with a family ISEE valueare, currently valid, not exceeding 6,000 euros per year, in which there are no minors, people over sixty, people with disabilities or in disadvantaged conditions taken care of by social and health services. It provides for the payment of an indemnity for participation in work activation measures, equal to a monthly amount of 350 euros. This amount is disbursed for the entire duration of the measure, within a maximum limit of 12 months, by means of a monthly transfer from INPS and is conditional on effective participation in the activities indicated above. In fact, access to the measure implies a precise commitment to take part in job activation initiatives and to accept job offers that have the characteristics indicated by the same legislation. To this end, following the submission of the application or the positive outcome of the preliminary investigation, the applicant must access the portal of the Information System for social inclusion (SIISL), to complete the Digital Activation Agreement (PAD), in which , in addition to confirming the immediate availability to carry out a job and to participate in work activation measures, must indicate at least three employment agencies or bodies authorized to carry out intermediation activities contacted to receive job offers suited to your professional profile.

The path to follow will be identified in the personalized service agreement and, through the SIISL, the interested party will be able to receive or autonomously identify job offers, career guidance and accompaniment services and active policies or specific training programs, guidance and training internships and projects useful to the community. From 1 January 2024, members of households receiving the Inclusion Allowance (ADI) will also be able to access the SFL, who will decide to participate in job placement courses, even though they are not subject to the obligations set out in article 6, paragraph 4 , of the decree-law n. 48/2023, provided they are not calculated on the specific equivalence scale for the ADI.

The application can be submitted, from 1 September 2023, directly from the website, by accessing at least Level 2 SPID, CNS (National Services Card) or CIE (Electronic Identity Card) in the appropriate section dedicated to the SFL or by contacting the Institutes of Patronage. From January 1st 2024, the application can also be forwarded by the Tax Assistance Centers (CAF).
