This latest innovation promises to revolutionize heating! The promise: a house heated faster, better thermal comfort, space saving, but also savings…
What if heating your home became as simple as hanging wallpaper? A revolution in the field of domestic heating may be underway! This innovation promises to make us forget about bulky radiators and expensive heated floors. Invisible or almost, it will heat a house in just a few minutes. Impossible ? No, promises a British company, Nexgen.
Although it appears to use an operation similar to that of underfloor heating, this new method of heating is even more efficient according to its designers… and simpler to install. They assure us, their invention allows rooms to be heated in just 3 minutes. Their solution is designed to offer an almost instantaneous rise in temperature, where traditional systems can take up to 30 minutes to heat a room. The result? Gentle heat distributed evenly throughout the room.
This revolutionary new heating method is heated wallpaper! This type of wallpaper is made up of strips of copper and graphene, distributed over the entire surface of the paper, with electrical connectors which will be hidden after installation on the ceiling and walls. The graphene then emits infrared when it is powered by electricity conducted through the two copper strips, one on each side of the wallpaper strip.
In practice, all you need to do is connect this wallpaper to an electrical source to transform your walls into real heat emitters. The company assures that although the heat produced is apparently low, its products generally cover the entire ceiling of a room. The gain in surface area helps keep a room warm.
Not only is this system invisible once installed, but it also saves considerable space. Goodbye to radiators that monopolize entire sections of wall or the constraints linked to the installation of a heated floor! Its application to the ceiling keeps it out of reach but the company that presents it assures that its low surface temperatures are safe anyway. “Even if you touch the ceiling, you can’t get burned,” she promises.
This innovation was developed by the British company NexGen. It already benefits from support from the Welsh government and is establishing itself in England and Scotland. For the moment, this technology is in the testing phase. It has been installed in 12 buildings in Scotland, all built before the 1920s. On these often poorly insulated buildings, the first returns are really encouraging with better thermal comfort and a reduction in energy bills. The company hopes to extend this technology to 70,000 older apartments in Glasgow, and perhaps other countries in Europe. In England, a test must also be carried out in Nottingham…