Goodbye mosquitoes, this Ikea product replaces the mosquito net and costs less than 4 euros

Goodbye mosquitoes this Ikea product replaces the mosquito net and

Can’t stand mosquitoes anymore? Ikea offers you a solution that will revolutionize your summer.

Spring is here, and with it, the return of mosquitoes. These little insects can quickly turn a perfect evening or night into a nightmare. Who has never gotten up in the middle of the night to turn on the light and go mosquito hunting? Not only are their bites irritating, but some mosquitoes are also vectors of serious diseases such as dengue fever, chikungunya, the Zika virus, and even malaria.

To protect themselves, many people opt for chemical solutions, such as spray repellents. However, these solutions have their drawbacks, since these sprays may contain harmful chemicals. There are also natural repellents such as citronella. Unfortunately, these solutions are not 100% effective. You can also install a mosquito net on each of your windows, an effective accessory but not very practical to install, aesthetically limited and with a budget that can be quite substantial.

But good news for lovers of summer evenings and hassle-free nights, Ikea, the Swedish furniture and home goods giant, has a suitable product. The brand markets a product that could well revolutionize the way we protect ourselves from mosquitoes. This product, which costs less than 4 euros, promises to effectively replace the traditional mosquito net.

Once pulled, this curtain forms an anti-mosquito barrier © Ikea

The product in question is a fine mesh sheer fabric curtain, called LILL. This curtain is designed to let light and air through while blocking unwanted insects, including mosquitoes. Its advantages are numerous. Its design is sober and elegant, it fits easily into any interior.

One of the main advantages is its ease of installation. Unlike traditional mosquito nets, which can require complex fixings and careful adjustments, this curtain can be installed in just minutes. Simply hang it on a curtain rod, and it’s ready to use. Additionally, it is easy to remove and wash, making it extremely convenient.

Although lightweight and transparent, the LILL curtain is extremely effective in blocking mosquitoes. The fine mesh is tight enough to prevent insects from passing through, while allowing optimal air circulation. This means you can enjoy a cool and breezy evening without fear of mosquito bites.
