Good news for Waze users! The latest update to the app fixes a bug affecting travel time estimates. A flaw that was causing delays and disappointments.

Good news for Waze users The latest update to the

Good news for Waze users! The latest update to the app fixes a bug affecting travel time estimates. A flaw that was causing delays and disappointments.

When Google bought Waze in 2013, many drivers feared that the famous application would be abandoned. Or worse, that it would gradually be absorbed by another application from the American giant: Maps. More than a year after this major change of direction, users have finally been reassured. The Mountain View firm has indeed deployed several updates to improve the interface and make it more fluid to use. In the latest version of the application, 4.107.1, Google has notably corrected a long-standing bug that was particularly annoying for all users. Many drivers complained that Waze regularly made mistakes in estimating travel times.

Waze: Better estimation of travel times

For a very long time, Waze has often been singled out for its inability to calculate its users’ travel times. Thousands of drivers have in fact realized that they arrived at their destination several minutes early or late compared to the time indicated just after entering the address. A particularly annoying bug for those who use Waze on a daily basis to go to work or to honor their appointments. If Waze was so often wrong about this data, it is above all because it estimated the travel time based on the traffic on the road at the time the trip was launched.

This estimate could therefore not change depending on incidents that may occur during the journey, such as traffic jams or closed roads. This is why the Mountain View firm updated its application. Since this addition, Waze has been equipped with better algorithms that allow the journey to be estimated more precisely, but above all in real time. “Save time and avoid traffic jams even more easily with this update: fixed a bug so that the suggested departure time for planned trips is updated based on real-time traffic”we can read in patch note for version 4.107.1available in the App Store. This should reassure drivers who were worried about arriving too early or too late at work, a family meal or an important meeting because of Waze.
