Some retirees will receive their retirement pension on an unusual date.
All retirees know: retirement pensions arrive every month on more or less the same date. It can just vary by one or two days depending on the calendar, depending on how weekends and holidays fall. But what few know, and of which they are not informed in advance by their fund, is that it can happen that the money arrives in the bank account on a very different date than usual. This will be particularly the case in December when a “surprise” awaits nearly 6 million former workers.
As Christmas approaches, a period when expenses increase considerably given the festivities, budgets are tight. Some will be able to take a breather since the pension will be paid much further in advance than usual. Enough to have enough cash for the end of the month… But you will have to calculate your budget carefully.
If most retirees are paid by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav) and Agirc-Arrco, some receive one or more pensions from other organizations. This is particularly the case for former civil servants, whether they were territorial, state or hospital civil servants. Public teachers, police officers and gendarmes, nursing staff, employees of town halls, intermunicipalities, departments or regions, etc. For the basic pension, these ex-professionals are attached either to the State Pension Fund or to the CNRACL.
Usually, they make transfers between the 26th and 30th of each month. The money therefore arrives one to two days later in the accounts. In December, an exception will be made: these two organizations will make payments earlier: Monday December 23 for State Pensions, Tuesday December 24 for retirees affiliated with the CNRACL. It is therefore around Christmas, almost a week in advance, that the amounts will be credited.
While this may seem like good news, be careful not to be surprised next month. Because in January, pensions will only be paid from January 29 or 30. You will therefore have to wait almost 40 days before receiving a new transfer.