“Good brother clubs must end”

Good brother clubs must end

The women in the sports leadership who signed the letter list experiences of sexual harassment, unequal treatment, and decisions made by men in sauna nights.

30.3. 10:36 • Updated March 30th. 11:00

The “good brother clubs” of sport and the secret cabinet policy must end, demanding ten women working or who have worked in sports leadership positions.

The open letter was marked by the resignation of the head of the top sports unit of the Finnish Olympic Committee on Monday. Mika Lehtimäki surrounded by surging.

– The cup is now up. We can no longer remain silent, the letter writes.

The signatories of the letter state that they are former or current chairmen, experts, officials, executive directors, CEOs, and sports and sports players.

Among the signatories are, among others, the former Minister of Defense of Finland, the RKP Elisabeth Rehn.

The letter lists experiences of sexual harassment, unequal treatment, and decisions made by men in sauna nights.

– We live in 2022; yet the same clumsy practices continue, the letter says.

– Many of us have seen for decades how a small circuit is spinning.

Inequality and sexual harassment persisted in sports circles for a long time

According to the letter, one of the signatories was once told that he could not be elected because he could not come to the sauna with others. Another has heard that the field would not accept a woman.

– The third of us was perceived as “far too difficult a type”, the fourth was too soft and the expertise of the fifth was underestimated; a big part of us had squeaky batteries, women write.

– One of us got into a classy long battle in the courts and we all feel offended. Today, more and more people have heard that it does not fit the “profile”.

In addition to inequality, sexual harassment is said to have persisted for a long time in sports circles.

– Hands on the thighs, hands inside the blouse, suggestions for common dinners, calls home, constant sexual talk and glances down – yes – to the breasts. We had to create elevator instructions at the office to protect young women and more.

However, women write that they have believed that the world will change with the younger generations.

Criticism of the work of the Olympic Committee

On Monday, Mika Lehtimäki said the reason for the warning was the nocturnal messages, which he described as “too friendly”.

According to Sport’s information, the target persons have been in contact with Lehtimäki purely at work. Improper use has occurred over several years.

Lehtimäki has held one of Finland’s most significant top sports positions since 2018. In March, he was elected to continue his wash until 2024, although the warning was known to the Olympic Committee Bureau and CEO.

An open letter from past and present female sports players criticizes the activities of the state-sponsored Olympic Committee.

– It is incomprehensible that board members read in the media what is happening in the committee. The members of the board and the sports federations are quiet about it. Just like before.

The letter highlights the Olympic Committee’s “relevant, even good, sports community responsibility program and good governance publications.”

– But what is the significance of them if they are not followed, the letter continues.

“Good Brother Clubs” are still in the sport to this day

According to the letter, “good brother clubs” are still in full force in the sports world. More than a year ago, it was reported that the future CEO of the Olympic Committee had been decided on sauna benches. It is said that there may have been some women among the men.

According to the signatories, the Olympic Committee should implement what the Olympic Movement is committed to.

– Citius, altius, fortius – faster, higher, more powerful does not mean “without hesitation, in a small circle, secretly,” but to wake up to the fresh new beginning that Finnish actors in physical activity deserve.

The International Olympic Committee has added the word communis to its motto. The authors of the letter also suggest guidelines for doing things together in Finland and demand an end to the secret cabinet policy.

– It requires nothing more than ethical compliance with legislation and registered and approved national and international programs of principles.

In addition to Rehn, the signatories include the chairman of the Finnish Association of Senior Sports Directors Birgitta KervinenFormer Office Manager of the Finnish Sports Confederation Pirjo Puskalasuppliers Johanna Aatsalo and Ulla-Maija Paavilainen and once served as CEO of the Stadion Foundation, which runs the Olympic Stadium Maija Innanen.

In addition to the ten signatories, behind the article are several women working in sports organizations who, due to the endangerment of their careers, cannot participate in their own names.

– Let me also tell you about your part of the industry’s operating culture, the letter emphasizes.
