Gone to be Sinovac, BioNTech vaccine done! Observed

Semiha Işık, yesterday, wanted to go to a community health center and get the ‘Sinovac’ vaccine. Allegedly, the nurse applied and sent the vaccine to Işık. When the vaccinations were counted in the evening, it was determined that Işık had accidentally given an overdose of Biontech vaccine instead of Sinovac. Acting on this, the Provincial Health Directorate teams took Işık to Konya Numune Hospital for control purposes. Işık, who was observed here, was discharged today due to his good health in the examinations and controls.


The Provincial Health Directorate launched an investigation on the nurse who administered the wrong vaccine. While learning how much of the over applied dose will be determined as a result of the examination to be made; It was stated that Işık, who was discharged, would also be constantly checked by the filiation teams.

