Jean-Jacques Goldman would have left his artistic retirement for a good cause. The favorite singer of the French is preparing to sign a brand new title.
Nine years after having officially retired musical, Jean-Jacques Goldman was seen last Thursday in a prestigious studio in Western Paris. “A reunion of friendship with two of the most important people for me, who gave me the opportunity to realize myself in my passion at a time when I had everything to prove … Robert, and of course Jean-Jacques Goldman”, published singer Jacques Veneruso on Facebook, revealing the return to the studio of the favorite personality of the French.
According to information from ParisianJean-Jacques Goldman would be temporarily out of his retirement for a cause that is close to his heart: to write a song for the national work of the Bleuet de France, an association which collects funds to help veterans, but also to widows and pupils of the nation, soldiers injured in operation and victims of terrorism. According to the daily’s daily life, Jean-Jacques Goldman and his brother Robert would have rented the studio in order to supervise the recording of this new title written by the interpreter of When the music is good.
The song must be revealed to the general public on April 10, on the occasion of the solidarity concert “Les Sentinelle d’un Soir” organized in the Salle Pleyel. However, it will not be Jean-Jacques Goldman who will interpret this new title, but Eloïz and Yvard. Semi-finalist of France has an incredible talent, Eloïz is a former gendarme. Yvard has resumed a musical career after being seriously injured on a mission when he was a mobile gendarme specializing in anti-terrorism. On April 10, they will be accompanied by one of the army orchestras. The Parisian says the rights of this new title signed Jean-Jacques Goldman will be donated to the Bleuet de France. We still do not know at this stage the title of this new composition.