Golden September, a month to talk about pediatric cancers

Golden September a month to talk about pediatric cancers

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    Since 2016, Septembre en Or has sought to raise public awareness of the still too numerous cancers that affect children and infants. Gaël Lamant, president of the Nourette association which accompanies children in the disease, tells us about this meeting and a round table organized on September 19.

    September in Gold, what is it?

    Less known (for the moment) than the “October” movements, devoted to breast cancer, or “Movember” to raise public awareness of male cancers, September in Gold is an American concept imported into France which seeks to raise public awareness of pediatric cancers. We obviously know the pink ribbon, or the red ribbon against AIDS. Today, there is also the golden ribbon, which helps to fight against childhood cancers and to accentuate the not very visible awareness on the subject. Actions also take place throughout the month in the various associations.

    What does the support of Septembre en or actually provide?

    It is dual. First of all, it allows the highlighting of associations. We know that there are many associations in France around cancer, but they are not all in the same niche, and do not all shine in the same way. However, they are all complementary and this month highlights the possible networks.

    In addition, of course, there is the sale of golden ribbons, relayed throughout France. All monies collected are intended for research. A sum that would simply not exist without this mobilization.

    Consult an oncologist online

    What is the event scheduled for September 19?

    We are organizing, in collaboration with Mazars, an evening-conference in the Paris region on the theme “Paediatric cancers, all concerned!”, devoted precisely to research and the role of several associations which facilitate care pathways. A highlight hosted by Dr Gérald Kierzek, with the presence in particular of Professor André Baruchel, Head of the pediatric hemato-immunology department at the Robert Debré Hospital in Paris, Patricia Blanc, founder of the Imagine for Margo association, or again Caroline Simonds, founder of Le Rire Médecin. The evening is open to all our employees and to the public, upon registration.

    As a reminder, according to the latest figures collected by the National Cancer Institute website, each year in France, 2,200 children (0 to 17 years old) are newly affected by cancer. It is estimated that one in 440 children will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 15.
