Gold Pad 2025: Cold Facts Reviews are nominated

Cold facts Reviews “Undercover in the Troll Factory” and “Raised by another man” is nominated for the Gold Pad.
– It feels very fun and honorable to be nominated, says reporter Daniel Andersson.

The nominations for this year’s edition of the Guldspaden have been presented. There we find two TV4 reviews, both under Cold Facts.

In the ether media’s documentary we find the notable review “Undercover in the Trollfabriken”, signed Daniel Andersson and Emil Heller.

– It feels very fun and honorable to be nominated. The review puts your finger on the need for transparency and openness in a functioning democracy. I am pleased that the jury shares our picture that it is an important disclosure, says Daniel Andersson.

Another cold fact-dig is nominated in the category Studentspaden. It is about Miranda Wretman’s and Elin Vallin’s reviewing documentary “Raised by another man”, where gay men come forward and openly tell about rape and sexual abuse.

– It feels great fun. I am very grateful to everyone who wanted to stand in the review, since it is such a heavy and difficult subject. I am so happy that so many wanted to join, then it also feels extra fun that it is noticed and that the world gets to take part in their important stories, says Miranda Wretman.
